

    Pocket-Animation is a group of independent freelance artists who live and work in Halle/Saale, Germany. Pocket-Animation was founded on December 21st, 2012.

The Members of pocket-animation are animation professionals with experience in all main production steps and have worked on feature films as follows: Laura´s Stern, Der kleine Eisbär 2, Kleiner Dodo, mullewapp, Titeuf and others.
The main idea for our collaboration was to combine all our individual artistic forces to not only create our own films and series, but provide our service to everyone who wants to hire a highly skilled team of animation professionals to get support in every step of animation production.

More information about the artists coming soon...

                      Halle/Saale, December 2013    

  main artists

Iulian Grigoriu
Anca Grigoriu

Tobias Gembalski




pocket-animation on vimeo

pocket-animation on youtube

pocket-animation on youtube
a history of